Malfunctioning Engine Statistical Survey

About This Site

This site is used to collect and make available reports of hobby rocket motor failures. Please help us all by reporting your failures here, and we can all see the results.

For more details about the implementation of the site, the code is freely available on GitHub.


There is a simple API that can be used from other sites to get a summary of failure reports for a motor. For example, it is used by to link to failures here from a motor info page there.

You can use the GET or POST methods. For GET, the request parameters are specified in the query string. for POST, the body must be a JSON RPC request object. The response is always a JSON RPC response object. The method name in the envelope is required if the base URL is used (/api/1), otherwise the final component of the path indicates the method (/api/1/motor).

For POST methods, don't forget to specify that the body is JSON using the request header: Content-Type: application/json.


This method gets summaries of failure reports by manufacturer (all motors). For each manufacturer, it includes the official name, the total number of reports and the date of the last report. Manufacturers for which no failures have been reported are not included.

It takes no request parameters.


This method gets a summary of failure reports for a single motor. It returns the manufacturer official name and motor common name, the total number of reports and the date of the last report.

It takes two request parameters, and both are required: